Avalon School


At Avalon School, we understand how mathematics begins and develops for all of our learners and appreciate that for our experiential learners it is not just an abstract subject but a living necessity with roots in sensory development and practical activity which requires teaching and learning that embraces the whole child’s development.

We use the White Rose framework for exploratory and investigative learners.

The White Rose SOL takes the main learning objectives from the National Curriculum and breaks them down into teaching blocks across each term. The units include a good mix of practical, problem solving and reasoning. Time is built in for maths assessments and for recapping at the end of the term. The topics into which the curriculum is broken down are known as the ‘White Rose small steps.’ White Rose units and materials also supplement learning towards ASDAN and AQA accreditations and NCFE qualifications at KS4 and Post 16.

White Rose Maths is used to deliver mathematical concepts. This is adapted to meet the needs of learners and aims for ‘mastery’ in Maths.

We have a calculations policy for teachers which outlines the different calculation strategies that should be taught and used for experiential, exploratory and investigative learners in line with the requirements of the 2014 Primary National Curriculum. The policy links with multi-sensory learners as well as those in KS4 and Post 16 doing accreditations.

The Avalon Maths calculation policy sets out clear progression of concepts starting at concrete moving to abstract.