Avalon School

Online Safety

Online safety is an important element of our PSHE curriculum for all pupils at Avalon School and this is taught across the curriculum in addition to discreet lessons as part of a computing and online safety curriculum framework.  Each class has at least 1 Class assembly per long term and 1 explicit lesson per short term during computing lessons.

Online Safety

Experiential Learners


·       I am guided to use technology safely with a trusted adult close by who intervenes when I need them to.

·       I am encouraged to show you what I am doing on a device.




·       Sequential planning for online safety using Active Bytes P1/3 to P4/6

·       Use of adapted and accessible resources specific for individual learners.

·       Active Bytes online safety posters available in the classroom.

·       Online safety taught explicitly once every half term, during a dedicated nurture breakfast session and embedded across the curriculum.

·       Structured teaching: Autumn Term I am Kind and Responsible, Spring Term I am Safe and Secure, Summer Term I am Healthy.

·       Termly online safety assemblies in class groups

Online Safety

Exploratory Learners



·       I show when I do not like something and rely on a

trusted adult to recognise my feelings and help me

·       I show you what I am doing on a device

·       I am reminded to check I can see a trusted adult when I use technology

·       I tell a trusted adult what I want to use a device for

·       I use links to websites to find information

·       I show a trusted adult when something worrying or unexpected happens when I am using a device

·       I am careful about the icons I click or tap when I use technology devices



·       Sequential planning for online safety using Active Bytes from P7/8 to Year 1

·       Use of adapted and accessible resources specific for individual learners.

·       Symbolised resources and vocabulary mats.

·       Visuals for ‘how to’ to support learner independence.

·       Active Bytes online safety posters available in the classroom.

·       Online safety taught explicitly once every half term, during a dedicated nurture breakfast session and embedded across the curriculum.

·       Termly online safety assemblies in class groups

Online Safety Investigative Learners


·       I contribute to shared e-safety rules and use them to make good choices

·       I use a range of strategies to protect myself and my friends from harm online, including reporting concerns

to a trusted adult

·       I comment positively and respectfully when I use different technologies


·       Sequential planning for online safety using Active Bytes from Year 2 to Year 4

·       Use of adapted and accessible resources specific for individual learners.

·       Symbolised resources and vocabulary mats.

·       Visuals for ‘how to’ to support learner independence.

·       Active Bytes online safety posters available in the classroom.

·       Online safety taught explicitly once every half term, during a dedicated nurture breakfast session and embedded across the curriculum.

·       Termly online safety assemblies in class groups



We use our PSHE framework, JIGSAW, and ELIM Active Bytes to support teaching and learning.

We cover a wide range of topics through the curriculum which include:

Keeping safe online and who to go to for help

Learning how to know what is fake/ real and safe/ unsafe

Rights and responsibilities online

Online gaming and gambling

Dangers of online exploitation 

Online pressures and influences

Social networking 

Internet safety rules

Online identity

Where required we offer specific interventions to address individual concerns and difficulties. 

Online Safety