Family Support
Dear Parent Carers,
I am Tania Barry, I am the PFSA for Avalon School.
What is a PFSA? A Parent Family Support Advisor is someone who works in school providing help and support for parents and families. They support parents and carers with some of the problems that they might be having at home or with their children, so that the children are happy to attend school and engage in their learning.
PFSA’s support parents with things like behaviour, attendance, and health and wellbeing, and can signpost families to more specialist support if it is needed. They can support families through tricky times and help them to get things back on track.
I stepped into this role on 1st April 2023 and it is within my role as well as my goal, to work with the families of Avalon School to identify areas of support, help families achieve positive outcomes, which in turn have a positive effect on educational outcomes for their child. This support includes, but is not limited to:
- One to one family support
- Signposting to local services
- Strengthening parenting skills
- Help with form filling
- Improving attendance and attitude towards school
- Confidence building
- Attending appointments with students
- Behaviour management
- Benefits
- Attending meetings with you
- Housing
- Accessing local services
- Relationship issues
- Healthy lifestyle
- Encourage communication between home and school
- Finding information for parents and carers who want to go back to work or into their own education or career
- Opportunities to meet with other parents and carers through organised events
- To be there to listen to you or your child if you are experiencing difficulties
We have a school parent carers Facebook page that we encourage you to join to keep up with all things going on at school. The page is named Avalon School Parent Carer Support. Please email me on the below email if you would like to join this page.
I can be available just to listen and support if you feel you need someone to talk to in confidence. I can arrange to meet you in school or at home, or somewhere that feels right for you.
I can be contacted by either telephone on 07399 176036 or email
I am very much looking forward to meeting and working with you all.
Yours sincerely
Tania Barry
Parent Family Support Advisor
PFSA Letter to parent carers